

How many squarefeet is one unit?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: How many squarefeet is one unit?
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This is not answerable because you are mixing length and area.

How many yards is in 10195 squarefeet?

Answer: 10,195 ft² = 1,132.777 yd²

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There are 9 square feet in a square yard.

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Answer: 1 km² = 10,763,910.42 ft² (that's squarefeet, not feet)

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780 square meters = 8,395.85 square feet (rounded)

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90 squarefeet

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No, square feet it length x width!

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If you mean one aestronomical unit one astronomical unit (AU) , the answer is 150,000,000,000 meters.

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One, if the unit is an inch!

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Not possible to covert a length unit to a mass unit.