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Q: How many sspaces before an equal sign?
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How do you know when an equal sign indicates an answer or equivalency And any examples?

If it indicates an answer, there will generally be a number after the equal sign, and a single variable before the equal sign. Examples: x=2 y=1254 If it indicates equivalency, it will not be just a single variable before the equal sign and an expression or constant after the equal sign. Examples: 4x=k where k is a constant, 7y+9=3y-1

What does x2 4x 12 equal?

If a plus sign is missing before the 12, any value greater than or equal to 12.If a negative sign is missing before the 12, any value greater than or equal to -12.

What are the numbers before the equal sign in a multiplication problem called?


What symbol is how many in math?

The answer is an equal sign =

What must you type before entering a formula?

A formula must begin with the equal sign (=).

will a Equal sign used in a expression?

"Will a[n] Equal sign used in a expression" do WHAT!"Will a[n] Equal sign used in a expression" do WHAT!"Will a[n] Equal sign used in a expression" do WHAT!"Will a[n] Equal sign used in a expression" do WHAT!

Where do you place a minus or plus sign in 0123456789 to equal 1?

You need to put a minus plus sign before any set of numbers that sums to 23, and a minus sign before all other digits. So + before 6, 8 and 9.

How do you find equivalent measures?

well, it depends on what you mean by equivalent answers. there are many. common denominators? even numbers? the equal sign? this information has to be stated before you do anything.

What is the sign for equation?

Its the Equal sign =

What is a squiggly line over an equal sign?

It means congruent. It is NOT 'approximately equal', which would be an equal sigh where BOTH lines are squiggly.

What does an equal sign with a slash in the middle mean in math?

The equal sign with the slash means "is not equal to".

What is the greater than equal to sign?

The greater than or equal to sign is "≥".