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Q: How many star-jumps should you be able to do in 30 seconds?
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15 seconds

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A 12 year old should be able to do around 25 pushups in 30 seconds. This is a reasonable answer. Hope I helped you!

Drivers should check their mirrors every how many seconds?

About every 10 to 20 seconds

How many times jumping is good for health?

As many as you can manage within a decent period of time, say two minutes. Vary the way you jump, as well; from side to side, forward and back, tuckjumps, starjumps, etc.

What damage is caused in Bangladesh floodings?

Well, there are occasionally drug dealers burnt and many people doing starjumps. You must be careful that the men don't start doing backflips or you could be in danger.

How many seconds should the driver look for medium distance potential hazards?

12-15 seconds

You should search a minimum of how many seconds ahead of your vehicle to avoid obstacles in your path?

30 seconds

If it is raining and you are driving in rush hour traffic how many seconds of following distance should you use?

It is five seconds

How many seconds should you look ahead of your car?

It is not seconds, but car length. If you are seconds behind someone and they stop fast you will hit them.