A ladder has different amount of steps, depending on how big it is.
They are called Rungs
-- a railroad track -- the sides of a ladder -- the rungs (steps) of a ladder -- the two curbs on the street
18 steps
11 rungs.
There is no word like lader. If you meant ladder, the steps of a ladder are called rungs.
The rungs of a ladder are the steps. Unless it is a step ladder, then they are just steps.
The steps of a ladder are called rungs.
According to an ancient midrash (Tanchuma), as well as Jewish mysticism, Jacob's ladder (Genesis ch.28) had four steps. Bear in mind that it was a spiritual ladder and the steps were not close to each other.
Steps on a ladder are called rungs because they typically run horizontally between the two vertical sides of the ladder. The term "rung" originally referred to a crosspiece in a ladder framework. Over time, this term became commonly used to describe the horizontal steps on a ladder.