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Q: How many steps equals how many miles on the Pokewalker?
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3 miles equals how many steps?

How many steps equals 3 miles?

How many miles equals 20000 steps?

3 trillion

How many steps with the pokewalker do you need to get 1 watt?

every 20 steps you will get 1 Watt

How many steps do you have to take to earn 1 watt for the pokewalker?


How many steps equals how many miles?

For an accurate answer, we would need to know the length of your step. However, an average person takes about 2000 steps to walk 1 mile.

Is the Pokewalker based on how many steps u take or the steps the Pokemon takes.?

The Pokewalker is like a pedometer.It counts your steps and every few steps is automatically converted into a watt.The watts can be used for finding items and Pokemon.Heartgold and Soulsilver are remakes of Pokemon Gold and Silver with which you had the option to buy a similar product called the Pokemon Pikachu 2.

5820 steps equals how many miles?

For a human adult, 5820 steps would be about 2.58 miles, where the average step was 31 inches. For women, it would average only about 2.16 miles, with an average step of 26 inches.

How many areas in a pokewalker?

there are 27 areas in the pokewalker.

121440 feet equals how many miles?

121440 feet equals how many miles?

How many steps are in 3.034 miles?

6407.807999997949 steps

How many miles are 27963 steps?

Well it depends on how big your steps are but on average there are about 13 miles in 27963 steps.

80 km equals how many miles?

80kms equals 49.7 miles