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Q: How many steps would you take when walking in a leisurely place for an hour?
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How many steps make 1 mile?

not sure how wide your steps are.... there are 5280 feet in a mile so if your stride is 1 foot....there would be 5280 steps in ur mile...

How many steps is 10000 kilometer?

There's about 1400 steps in a km. Therefore, 10,000 km would take somewhere around 14 million steps. If you took one step every second until you reached 10,000 km, not only would you have walked almost around the diameter of the earth, you just wasted around 18 days straight (400 straight hours of walking)

Does walking in place for 20 minutes equal to a mile?

It depends on your rate of walking. I believe the average human walks at 3-4 mph. 20 minutes / 60 minute/hr = 1/3 hr 1/3 hr * 3.5 miles/hr = 1.167 miles Walking at 3.5 mph, you would travel over a mile in 20 minutes. Likewise, walking at 3 mph, you would travel 1 mile in 20 minutes. So, 20 minutes is probably a fair estimate of one mile of walking.

How many big steps would a person take to walk a kilometer?

Normally a person's feet would account for 10 inches on the ground. Considering that one takes a stride of around 14 inches while stepping forward while taking big steps, it would normally take 1.5 steps to cover a distance of 1 meter. hence 15 steps would cover a distance of 10 meters and 1500 steps would cover 1000 meters i.e. 1 kilometer.

How many steps do you need to walk to equal 3 miles?

Well that depends on how long the steps are. If you assume a step would be 2 feet. A mile is 5280 feet so it would be 2640 steps in a mile. Three miles would then be 7920 steps.

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Antonyms or synonyms slow - leisurely?

Slow and leisurely would be synonyms.

How many seps for one hour walking?

Assuming an average walking speed of 120 steps per minute, you would take 7200 steps in one hour.

How many steps make 1 mile?

not sure how wide your steps are.... there are 5280 feet in a mile so if your stride is 1 foot....there would be 5280 steps in ur mile...

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No, your first steps from the North Pole would be in a southerly direction.

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meters-a kilometer would be about 1000 large steps (walking), A meter is one large step

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Assuming a stride length of 0.76 m (2.5 ft), you would have to walk 3254 Km or 4,281,579 steps from Sudbury to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.

How many minutes in a mile walking?

It would take about 16.666... minutes because about 2000 steps are in a mile.

How many steps does a person take in a lifetime?

The average moderately active person takes about 7500 steps a day. Assuming every day the person walks, an eighty year old person who began walking at one year of age, would have taken 216,262,500 steps in their lifetime. An average person, with an average stride, living to this age of 80 will walk about 108,131 miles. Happy walking! Drlaurel

What force tends to slow objects down but without it people all over the place like they were walking on ice?

The force that tends to slow objects down is friction. Without friction, people would slide and have difficulty walking as there would be no grip between their feet and the surface they are walking on, similar to walking on ice.

Why would Philippa and her team think that the remains of King Richard the third would be located in an area called the walking place?

Phillippa we and her team would think that the remains of king richard the third would be located in an area called the walking place because no one will ever know that the 500 year old king was not an evil tyrant.

Would you rather stroll amble or saunter?

Strut like in Saturday Night Fever. Stroll. Actually these three words all have nearly the same meaning. These definitions are from the Concise Oxford English Dictionary stroll - verb - walk in a leisurely way. amble - verb - walk or move at a leisurely pace. saunter - verb - walk in a slow, relaxed manner.

What is the difference between walking on the Earth and on the Moon?

Gravity on the moon is only 1/6th of the gravity on Earth. You would bounce, take really big steps, etc.