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Q: How many straight sides and vertices does a circle have?
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How many straight sides and vertices does a oval?

None. An oval is a "squashed" circle.

How many vertexes in circle?

None. Circles are convex shapes without straight sides and so there are no vertices (the correct plural of vertex).

How many vertices do 3 sides shape have?

2-dimensional shapes, with three straight sides have three vertices.


Depending on how you want to define vertices, a circle either has no vertices or the circle is composed of infinite vertices. A vertex is where two straight edges meet. Since a circle is continuously curved you can easily argue that it has no straight edges to meet and form a vertex. From a limits standpoint though it has infinitely many straight segments - but they are are all of length 1/∞

What shape has no vertices?

A circle is the only geometric two dimensional shape that does not have any vertices, or points. However, there are non geomatric shapes that do not have any vertices. These are called organic shapes and are constructed either of only curved sides or curved sids and straight sides. Many three dimensional shapes do not have any vertices, the geometric ones include cylinders, spheres, and hemispheres.

How many vertices and sides does a circle have?

It has no vertices as such but it does have a side that is called its circumference which has 360 degrees around it.

How many straight sides a circle has?

(pie)ve.Truly, a circle has no straight sides.If you draw a shape with enough straight sides, it will look like a circle if you don't look too closely, but it will never be a circle.

What is a shape that has no sides and no vertices?

Most Shapes has many vertices & Sides. The answer is a '''Circle''' * * * * * Only partly true. Most '''WELL-STUDIED''' shapes have vertices and sides. Most shapes - in nature, for example, are irregular, "random" shapes.

How many vertices and how many sides does a triangle have?

A triangle has three sides and three vertices.

How many sides and vertices does an hexagon have?

6 sides and vertices

How many diagonals in a circle?

There are zero diagonals in a circle because a circle has no sides no vertices or it doesn't have a flat surface so zero.

How many vertices and sides does a triangle have?

3 vertices and 3 sides.