

How many submersibles are there?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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13y ago

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Well, around 300. Some are out of order, and only a few can still work.

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Do submersibles have people in them?

YES, most true submersibles have a 'pilot' and a systems operator. The submersibles that do not carry people are usually called ROV's or AUV's

How big is a submersibles cargo hold?

Very small, if it even exists. Most submersibles do not carry cargo

Why are submersibles valuable deep sea research?

Deep sea submersibles help get research from the ocean floor.

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When were submersibles invented?

The first successful submersible was built in 1620 by Dutch engineer Cornelius Drebbel. It was a wooden vessel propelled by oars and could submerge up to 15 feet underwater.

Who invented submersibles?

The first operational submersible was built by Dutch inventor Cornelius van Drebbel in the 17th century. However, the modern concept of submarines was developed and popularized by inventors such as Robert Fulton, David Bushnell, and John Holland in the 19th and 20th centuries.

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What are some things submersibles do?

Submersibles work on undersea oilwells, recover practice torpedoes, search for sunken ships or things that have fallen off ships and sunk.

What are facts about Submersibles?

Submersibles are watercraft designed to operate underwater for scientific research, ocean exploration, and military purposes. They can reach depths that are not easily accessible by humans and are equipped with specialized instruments to study marine life, geological features, and underwater environments. Submersibles come in various sizes and shapes, from small remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to large manned submersibles capable of carrying crew members to extreme depths.

Who uses submersibles?

Submersibles are commonly used by researchers and security forces such as the navy and the coast guard. The coast guard can use them to inspect the underside of ships for any smuggled items.

What are the advantages of submersibles over scuba gear?

One of the major advantage of personal submersibles over scuba gear is you can't feel the changing pressure while ascending and descending.

What has most made the true exploration of the ocean possible?

Bathyscapes and submersibles have.