All the trolls are the same age. 6 sweeps which is 13 in human years.
His profile picture says he is 6 sweeps. In earth years that is 13, but if he is 15 he is 6.92 sweeps. So he might be 14 or 15. We don't say "Im 13.96 years old" do we? :)
The minute hand in a clock in most cases sweeps 360 degrees every hour. So in one minute the angle swept is 360/60 = 36/6 = 6 degrees
96 months old. Then start in January and count how many months until your birthday and subtract it from the answer.
5.04910816 × 1011 milliseconds old.
His profile picture says he is 6 sweeps. In earth years that is 13, but if he is 15 he is 6.92 sweeps. So he might be 14 or 15. We don't say "Im 13.96 years old" do we? :)
Troll ages are gauged in solar sweeps rather than years, so his birthday cannot be properly translated and/or celebrated.
Sober Gamzee got those scratches on his face after being involved in a fight with Aradia Megido, a result of her seeking revenge for the death of her ancestor, Equius Zahhak. Gamzee's softened state made him vulnerable and unable to defend himself effectively, leading to him receiving the scratches on his face during the encounter.
Illnesses like Chimney Sweeps Cancer
As of 2004, There has been 3 chimney sweeps
100 years
Illnesses like Chimney Sweeps Cancer
Gamzee's eyes are shown to be dark orange rather than the golden color troll eyes normally are. This can be taken as a measurement of how crazy he is.
many chimney sweeps died from inhaling all the soot and dust of the chimney, which caused them to suffocate and choke to death.
There is 1 syllable.
Karkat, Sollux, Kanaya, Gamzee, and Terezi.
Gamzee's character arc is complex and open to interpretation. Some fans believe he had a mental breakdown due to stress and exposure to the influence of other powerful characters, while others think his actions were a result of his toxic upbringing and the expectations placed on him. Ultimately, his fate and motivations are left somewhat ambiguous in the Homestuck story.