

How many synonmys in cynical?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: How many synonmys in cynical?
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What part of speech is cynical in the following sentence she is being cynical?

In this sentence, "cynical" is an adjective modifying the pronoun "she." It describes her attitude or behavior.

What are word families for cynical?

Cynical can only be an adjective.

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detest, abominate, loathe, hate, desplse, and execrate

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synonym for courageous = brave antonym for courageous = cowardly

What is the noun for cynical?

The noun form for the adjective cynical is cynicalness. Another noun form is cynicism.

When was Cynical Skin created?

Cynical Skin was created on 2012-01-08.

What is a sentence using the word cynical?

I told him that my dog could find a fox, but he was too cynical to believe me.Many people become cynical after a life filled with disappointment.The cynical editor refused to publish my stories about everyday heroes."Do not feign affection nor be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass." (Desiderata)

Why are there so many irrational people in this world?

Because irrational questions are answered by cynical people.

How do you use the word cynical in a sentence?

I am very cynical when I hear politicians making promises.The announcement of lower taxes was greeted with cynical skepticism.A cynical man is the one least likely to be disappointed.We were surprised by the cynical comments from the normally diplomatic official.--Her boyfriend's cheating left her very cynical about men.Even the most cynical critics were uplifted by Sandra Bullock's last film.St. Thomas was cynical about the resurrection until he touched Jesus's bloody wounds.A glowing smile from the tiny child melted my cynicalattitude in seconds.He was an avid baseball fan until the steroids scandal left him cynical about the entire game.Years of working with the poor may leave some feeling cynical, but for Mother Theresa, it only strengthened her faith.The misanthrope was always cynical in his responses to the general public.After a pep talk one day, and a lay off the next, the remaining staff was very cynical about the company's promises.My coworkers are so cynical, all they do is complain about the boss.The older I get, the more cynical I become.The misanthrope was always cynical in his responses to the general public.