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1 gm/600 mg = 1 g/0.6 g = 1.66... recurring.

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Q: How many tablets of 600mg of azithromycin equal to one gram?
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How many 0.25 gram tablets will you give to equal 1000 mg ampicillin?

1000 mg is a gram. It would take four 0.25 g tablets to equal one gram. So it would take four 0.25 g tablets to equal 1000 mg.

How many 500 mg vitamin tablets equal one gram?

I suggest you convert the gram to milligram, or the milligrams to grams, and then divide.

How many 200mg tablets equal 1 gram?

200 milligrams = 0.2 grams therefore 5 x 200 mg = 1 gram.

The medication is ordered in 1gm but you have on hand 250mg tablets so how many tablets would you give?

One gram equals 1000 milligrams. Four 250mg tablets would equal one gram. So you would give 4 times as many pills.

How many 500 mg vitamin tablets equal 1 gram?

Two! One gram equals 1000 milligrams. 500 + 500 = 1000.

How many 2 mg tablets is in a gram?

If by mg u mean milligram then there are 500 tablets in a gram

How many grams are 600 milligrams?

600 milligrams is equal to 0.6 grams. This conversion is done by dividing the number of milligrams by 1000.

How much gram equal to one gram?

One gram is equal to one gram.

What do men take for chlamydia?

In the US, typically azithromycin or doxycycline, same as for women.

How many 5mg tablets to make 1 gram?

There are 200 5mg tablets in 1 gram.

1 gram of medication. the container label reads 250 mg. how many tablets?

I think there is 1000mg in a gram, so that would be four tablets if they are 250mg each.

How many 250 mg tablets should you take to equal 1 g?

1 gram is 1000 milligrams. you need to take four 250 mg pills or whatever, to equal a 1 gram dose. i hope your medicin is lethal at any dose higher than 500.