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Q: How many tablets to you take to get 1000 mg if just 99mg?
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Grams are in mg?

how many grams in 99mg

How many 99mg potassium to take to equal to 20meq?

To convert potassium dosage from mg to mEq, you need to divide the amount in mg by the potassium molar mass, which is approximately 39.1 g/mole. In this case, 99mg of potassium is roughly equal to 2.53 mEq. To reach 20 mEq, you would need to take around 7.9 tablets.

How many 600 microgram tablets will equal 1000 milligrams?

To convert micrograms to milligrams, you need to divide by 1000. So, 600 micrograms is equal to 0.6 milligrams. To find out how many 600 microgram tablets would equal 1000 milligrams, you would divide 1000 by 0.6, which is approximately 1666.67 tablets.

How many 250mg tablets are in 0.5gm?

1 gram = 1000 mg so if you have 1 table of 250mg you wil gave to divide 1000 by 250 which gives you = 4 tablets your Answer is 4 tablets

How many 0.25 gram tablets will you give to equal 1000 mg ampicillin?

1000 mg is a gram. It would take four 0.25 g tablets to equal one gram. So it would take four 0.25 g tablets to equal 1000 mg.

How many 250 milligram tablets must you take each day to reach 1 gram of antibiotics?

1 g = 1000 mg so 1000 mg Divided by 250 mg = 4 tablets.

How many 250mg tablets equals 1gm?

4 * 250 = 1000 mg = 1 g

How many tablets would you need if you have 250 mg and the doctor ordered 1g?

4 Tablets as 1000Mg = 1g so 250 x 4 = 1000

How many tablets of Cipro 250 mg to give cipro 0.750 grams?

1000 mg in a gram; 0.750 g = 750 mg. Therefore 3 tablets.

How many 50.0 mg of iron tablets can be produced from 1.000 kg of iron?

1.000 kg (1000 grams/1 kg)(1000 mg/1 gram) = 1,000,000 mg/50 mg = 20,000 iron tablets produced

How many 5000 mcg tablets will make 5 g?

1000 mcg = 1 mg and 1000 mg = 1 g 1,000,000 mcg = 1 g 5,000,000 mcg = 5g So you will need 5,000,000 / 5,000 = 1,000 tablets

The medication is ordered in 1gm but you have on hand 250mg tablets so how many tablets would you give?

One gram equals 1000 milligrams. Four 250mg tablets would equal one gram. So you would give 4 times as many pills.