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15680/280= 56 Television Sets

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Q: How many television sets costing 280 each can be bought for 15680?
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How many change each costing 25p can be bought for GBP 2.50?

Ten of them.

An order is placed for n items each costing p dollars and twice as many items each costing 9 dollars more. Write a simplified expression for the total cost of the order?

The expression is np + 2n(p+9). This can be simplified into 3np + 18n.

If Ryan bought 3 packages of pencils Each package contains twelve pencils Michael bought twice as many pencils as Ryan bought How many pencils did Michael buy Write a number sentence?


How many TV's can you buy with 1 million dollars?

Well, probably a lot! I depends on the pricing if each television, so you cannot really say.

How many of each type of calculators were bought when 74 were ordered at 9 dollars each for one type and 30 dollars each for the other type costing 1170 dollars in total?

Form a simultaneous equation and let the calculators be known as x and y: 9x+30y = 1170 x+y = 74 Multiply all terms in the bottom equation in order to eliminate x: 9x+30y = 1170 9x+9y = 666 Subtract bottom equation from top equation: 21y = 504 => y = 24 Substitute the value of y into the original equations to find the value of x: x = 50 and y = 24 Therefore: 50 calculators at 9 dollars each and 24 calculators at 30 dollars were bought. Check: (9*50)+(30*24) = 1170 dollars

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How many change each costing 25p can be bought for GBP 2.50?

Ten of them.

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What are Features of batch costing?

Batch costing 1. It is a refinement of job costing. 2. Here the unit of measurement is batch comprising of lots of similar units. 3. Separate cost sheet are maintained for each batch of products by assigning a unique batch number. 4. Cost per unit in a batch =Total cost of batch/No of units in the batch. 5. Applications :-Pharmaceuticals , drug industry, readymade garments ,manufacture of electronic parts of TV etc.

Explain the meaning of batch costing How does such a costing differ from job costing?

Batch processing means the production of units of products in continuous process where products units produced without any break and different process of making product continuously keep working and produce in mass quantities. It is different from job costing in this sense that in job costing, costs of separate jobs or projects are kept separate from each other and costing of each job is done separately which is not done in process or batch costing.

What are the four different types of cost?

Job costing, batch costing and process costing job costing is used in a business where the production is made up of individual large jobs , each of which is different and has different inputs of materials and labour. batch costing is suitable for a business that produces batches of identical units, but each batch is for different units. process costing is the costing method applicable where goods or services result from a sequence of continuous or repetitive operations or processes.

Marginal costing and absorption costing?

These are different forms of costs that a business may deal with. They will each represent what could happen in a situation.

Do you have example problems of partitive proportions?

Joy and her brother bought a new TV set worth P8 289.00. If they agreed to divide the cost in the ratio 5:4, how much will each of them pay?

How do you play a ps2 game bought from Thailand?

You would need a Thailand PS2. Most likely the game is in PAL format, and you have an NTSC Console. The different TV Standards are NOT compatible with each other.

Absorption costing and marginal costing format?

These are different forms of costs that a business may deal with. They will each represent what could happen in a situation.

What is zero based costing?

Costing without assumptions is known as zero based costing.In zero based costing each and every parameter of cost is derived either through Experiments or through formula.