1/10 because 9/10 and 1/10 make 1 (a whole, in this case a whole iceberg).
97% of the worlds water is Salt water. 71% of the world is Covered by Saltwater.
Technically, No. Water in a glass (or other vessel) has a curved surface known as a meniscus. A large body of water (like an ocean) actually follows the curve of the earth. So the surface of the water is a curve or section of a sphere.
Surface tension.
For all intents and purposes 100%. Water on the planet goes around in a closed cycle.
Approximately seven-tenths of the earth's surface is covered by water, with oceans holding about 97% of the Earth's water.
That is incorrect. The Great Lakes contain about 84% of North America's surface fresh water and about 21% of the world's surface fresh water.
fresh flowing surface water is one of our most precious resources
the water cycle shows arrow under surface
No, they lay them on the surface of the water.
Nine tenths (9/10) of an iceberg is underwater.
No. Though about 7/10 of the surface is covered in water it makes up about 1/50 of the mass of the earth
not on the surface but might be some under the surface of the planet...??
earth is 75% water and about 16% of earth surface is Uninhabitable (desert)
Most of the earths surface is covered with water. There is land under that water though, below the surface.