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Q: How many termites will fit on 1 meter stick if the termites are 5mm long?
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How many termites would fit on a meter stick?

How many termites will fit on a meter stick

How many termites would fit on a meter stick if the termites were 5 millimeters long?

I think its around 10,000 termites.

How many termites would fit on a 3 meter stick if the termites were 5 millimeters long?

600 termites, assuming termites line up only one side of the stick.

How many termites fit in 1 meter stick?


How many termites can fit on 3 meter sticks?

600 termites in 3 meter sticks because a meter stick has 300 centimeters you multiply it by 2 and you get 600 as your answer

How many termites would fit on 3 meter sticks if the termites were 5 millimeters long?


How many meters are meters are in a meter stick?

A standard meter stick is one meter long, so there are one meter in a meter stick.

If a termite is five millimeters long how many termites are in one meter?

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If a Pencil is 5cm long how many times would it fit on a meter stick?

A meter stick is 100cm, therefore 20 pencils would fit on a meter stick.

How many mm on a meter stick?

A meter stick is ONE meter long.

You measure a piece of wood with a meter stick and its exactly one meter long how many centimeters long is it?


How many termites would fit on a 3 meter stick?

I will base my answer on the dampwood termite, the largest termite in the USA, and which is found in the rainy forests of the Pacific Coast and in Southern Florida. The workers and soldiers of this species can grow to 5/8" (1.5875cm) in length when fully grown. Therefore you could fit 189 termites (189.98 to be pedantic) end to end on a 3 metre-long stick