56 thousand, and 200 respectively.
Divide that number by thousand, to get the answer.
The thousands place in the number 3123 is the 3
3482751 rounded to the thousands is 3483000.
To determine how many thousands equal 9000 ones, you need to understand the concept of place value. In the number 9000, the 9 is in the thousands place, meaning there are 9 thousands. Each thousand is equal to 1000 ones, so 9000 ones is equal to 9 thousands.
There are an indeterminate number: thousands upon thousands.
If you mean 56,200,000 then there are 200 thousands
There are a total of one thousand thousands in the number 1,000,000.
56 thousand, and 200 respectively.
No exact number can be given, but certainly many thousands.
4000000/1000 = 4000
Thousands. Probably no exact number.
In the context of numerical notation, leading zeroes are typically ignored, so "02" is equivalent to simply "2." Therefore, the number "02" does not represent any thousands; it is simply the number 2.
There is no official number but there would be thousands.
Divide that number by thousand, to get the answer.
There are 324 thousands in 324567. This is because each group of three digits in a number represents a place value - hundreds, thousands, millions, etc. In this case, the digit 3 in the thousands place represents 3000, so there are 324 thousands in the number 324567.