Estimate has 3 syllables, es-ti-mate.
There are five syllables. Un-der-es-ti-mate.
The word antidisestablishmentarianism has eleven syllables. (an-ti-dis-es-tab-lish-men-tar-i-an-ism)
6 sylables: Non|ne|go|ti|a|ble So 6 sylables
3. Ti ni est
es por ti = is for you
Es Por Ti was created in 2003.
Todo es para ti was created in 1982.
There are three syllables. Es-ti-mate.
Estimate has 3 syllables, es-ti-mate.
There are five syllables. Un-der-es-ti-mate.
The words "BMW TI ES" stand for Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Turismo Internazionale. Turismo Internazionale is an Italian term which means "international tourism".
Es-ta-blish-men-ti-sm. 6 syllables
"Es bueno, gracias."
First of all, it's "es para ti" and that is not french, but spanish! the meaning is "this is for you"
this "bud?" is for you.