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If your tiles are 12 x 12, 368 would cover it. Buy extra for breakage.

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Q: How many tiles would is needed for area is 368 sq ft?
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The answer depends on the area, not the length. It also depends on the size of the tiles!

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If your tiles are 12 inches by 12 inches they are equal to 1 sq ft, so you would need 54 tiles.

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Basic maths... 54 tiles in total !

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You would need 358 tiles.

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None. No number of gray tiles will make a white tile.

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It depends on how big your tiles are

How many tiles would be needed to cover a square design with a length of 5 tiles?

25 geinus

How many tiles are needed to tile a bathroom?

depends how big the tile is (area) and how big the batroom floor is (area)

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81 tiles squared because if it's a square then it would be 9x9 which is 81

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One side of a square is 10 inches long. How many one square inch tiles are needed to cover its area?

How many 12 x 12 tiles are needed for a 15'x 15 'area?

15'x15' is 225 square feet; so I would figure on 225 tiles. I would get a few extras in case some crack.