374 ÷ 42 = 8 with remainder 38.
17 whole times, with 17 left over which isn't enough for another time.
71/4 = 17.75
10.39 times or 10 with remainder 14.
74.8 times or 74 with a remainder of 4.
374/3 = 124.666666667 = 124 2/3
374 ÷ 42 = 8 with remainder 38.
17 whole times, with 17 left over which isn't enough for another time.
1, 71
71/4 = 17.75
10.39 times or 10 with remainder 14.
74.8 times or 74 with a remainder of 4.
244 divided by 71 is 3.4366
To determine how many times 34 can go into 71, you would perform long division. When you divide 71 by 34, the result is approximately 2 with a remainder of 3. This means that 34 can go into 71 two times with a remainder of 3.
124 with a remaider of 2 or 124 and 2/3
7.333 recurring times, or 7 times with a reminder of 17.