You have to divide 210 by 64 and you will get 3.28. So it doesn't divide completely.
12 can go into 64, 5 times.
64 does not go into 16, however, 16 goes into 64 four times.
It goes: 49/64 = 0.765625
522/64 = 8.15625 times.
21 with remainder 1.
64 goes into 96 once (1 time)
You have to divide 210 by 64 and you will get 3.28. So it doesn't divide completely.
64 goes into 11 .171875 times (way less than one time).
12 with 4 remaining 64 - 4 = 60 = 5 x 12
12 can go into 64, 5 times.
There are seven: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64.
Three full times, with a remainder of 10.
64 does not go into 16, however, 16 goes into 64 four times.
64/32 = 2
512 ÷ 64 = 8