Since the time that the seven days of the week were assigned to it, it has been a Sunday as close to 1/7 of the time as makes no difference.
Some scholars point to Pentecost Sunday, 17 June 31 AD, outside of the 'Upper Room' in the City of Jerusalem, Israel.
February 17 1963 was a Sunday.
Someone greater than Abraham founded Christianity - Jesus Christ on Pentecost Sunday, June 17, 31 AD, outside of the Upper Rooms in the City of Jerusalem, Israel.
You will be a thousand days old on March 13, 2013.
June 17, 1962 was a Sunday.
June 17 2001 was on a Sunday.
June 17, 1945 fell on a Sunday.
June 17 1945 was a Sunday.
June 17, 1973 fell on a Sunday.
June 17, 1951 fell on a Sunday.
sunday june 21 1981 & sunday june 17 2012
Sunday June 17.
June 17th 1984 was a Sunday.