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Q: How many times a lion heartbeats per minute?
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How many times a lion heart pound in a minute?

A lion's heart on average beats 40 times in a minute.

How many heartbeats in one minute?

Depends how fit you are.

How many heartbeats per minute does a child have maixam?

it would be about 40 or 48

How many times would your heart beat a week?

For typical adults, their heart beats at an average time of 60 beats a minute. A day has 1440 minutes. Since there are 7 days a week, there will be 10080 minutes. 1 hour - 60 minutes 60 minutes x 24 hours = 1440 minutes 1440 minutes x 7 days = 10080 minutes About 60 heartbeats per minute 10080 minutes x 60 heartbeats = 604800 heartbeats Conclusion: An adult's average heartbeats is 604800 heartbeats.

How many heartbeats per minute for a 12 week old rottweiler puppy?

all dogs are different

How many heartbeats in 1 minute?

Between 50 - 100 for most people during most activities.

How many heartbeats does a kitten heart beat a minute?

A kitten's heart beats at a rate of around 150-200 beats per minute.

How many heart beats per second?

A persons heart beats at least 500 times per minute.

How many times does your heart beat a minute?

It depends on the person. Average is somewhere around 70 heartbeats in 60 seconds. Some people also have 40 heartbeats in 60 seconds (which is good) because the less heartbeats, the healthier you are.

How many heartbeats can an adult make when resting?

90 times per min

How many heartbeats are there in each hour?

The average heart-rate (at rest) for an adult human is 60-70 beats per minute.

How many heartbeats does the average person go through each day?

The average person has a resting heart rate of about 60-100 beats per minute. On average, this equates to around 86,400 - 144,000 heartbeats per day.