7 times with a remainder of 3
21 times with a remainder of 7
21 times, remainder1
4, remainder 16
Once with a remainder.
21, remainder 20
To determine how many times 21 goes into 71, you would perform long division. The quotient is the result of dividing the dividend (71) by the divisor (21). In this case, 21 goes into 71 three times with a remainder of 8. Therefore, 21 goes into 71 three times evenly.
It goes: 256/21 = 12 times with a remainder of 4
It goes: 693/32 = 21 times with a remainder of 21
80 ÷ 21 = 3 with remainder 17 OR 3.81 times.
108 ÷ 21 = 5 with remainder 3.