5 times
24 times.
197 divided by 24 = 8 times plus 5 left over
Well, darling, 5 goes into 24 a total of 4 times. But honey, if you're looking for a remainder, you're out of luck because 5 fits into 24 perfectly with no leftovers. Math can be a real peach sometimes, can't it?
24/5 = 4 and 4/5
5 times
24 times.
5 with remainder 5.
5 times with a remainder of 8
5 times with a remainder of 10
5 R 16
It is: 153/24 = 6 with a remainder of 9.
197 divided by 24 = 8 times plus 5 left over
300 / 60 = 5