To determine how many times 6 can go into 40, you would perform division. 40 ÷ 6 = 6 with a remainder of 4. This means that 6 can go into 40 a total of 6 times, with 4 left over.
Exactly 4 times
2 times with 30 left over if you need an exact number is 2 and 30/40 (or 3/4) 110 / 40 = 2.75 or 2 3/4
4.125 times or 4 with remainder 5.
4.075 times or 4 with remainder 3.
40 goes into 160 4 times.
It goes in 40 times.
40 times.
40 times
exactly 4 (160/40 = 4)
To determine how many times 6 can go into 40, you would perform division. 40 ÷ 6 = 6 with a remainder of 4. This means that 6 can go into 40 a total of 6 times, with 4 left over.
40 can go into 172 4 times with a remainder of 12, or 4.3 times.
To find out how many times 40 will go into 165, you would perform division. 165 divided by 40 equals 4 with a remainder of 25. Therefore, 40 will go into 165 a total of 4 times with a remainder of 25.
Exactly 4 times
4.5 times or 4 with remainder 20.