IT does not matter what sort of division you use, 6 will go into 69 : 16 times.
69 times 6 is 414.
9 times with remainder of 6
3 5/6
It can go into 8, 1.3333333 repeating)
9 divided by 69 = ~0.1304347826
69 x 6 = 414 415 - 414 = 1 so 69 times with 1 remaining
IT does not matter what sort of division you use, 6 will go into 69 : 16 times.
9 times with a remainder of 4.
6 times with remainder 4.
Three (3.7826) times.
69 ÷ 7 = 9 6/7 = 9.857142857142857142... ≈ 9.86 Alternatively: 69 ÷ 7 = 9 remainder 6
6 goes into 45 7.5 times, as there are 7 and a half values of 6 to make 45.
69 times 6 is 414.
Ten times greater.
9 times with remainder of 6
3 5/6