How many times does 26 go into 175
14.2857 times.
As in, how many times does 7 go into 1400? 1400 / 7 = 200
28 with remainder 4.
7,200 divided by 75 is 96.
200 divided by 25 = 8
It can go in 5 times: 40 x 5 = 200 Remainder: 7
To find out how many times 28 goes into 200, you would divide 200 by 28. The result of this division is approximately 7.142857. Since you cannot have a fraction of a division in this context, you would take the whole number part, which is 7. Therefore, 28 goes into 200 approximately 7 times.
Oh, dude, 7 goes into 200 like 28.5714285714 times. But, like, since we can't have a fraction of a time, the remainder is just 6. So, like, you can fit 7 into 200 about 28 times with a little leftover of 6.
7 times with a remainder of 18
Well, honey, 200 goes into 1500 a grand total of 7.5 times. But since we can't have half a time, you'll have to settle for a nice, round 7 times with a remainder of 100. Math can be a real stickler for perfection, can't it?