To calculate how many times 31 can go into 280, you would perform division: 280 ÷ 31 = 9 with a remainder of 1. This means that 31 can go into 280 exactly 9 times, with 1 left over.
40 times.
51 goes into 280 5 times with remainder 25.
29 does not divide evenly into 95, but it will go into 95 3 times. 95 / 29 = 3.2758620689655172413793103448276...
Exactly 280 times
280/5 = 56
280 times
280/70 = 4
28 times
35 times.
40 times.
51 goes into 280 5 times with remainder 25.
9 times with a remainder of 10
28/d times.
29 does not divide evenly into 95, but it will go into 95 3 times. 95 / 29 = 3.2758620689655172413793103448276...