71 whole times. It has a decimal at the end though. So if you wanted it exactly it would be 71.428571.
1000 micrometres = 1 millimetre so a thousand times.
Earth could fit inside the sun roughly one million times.
Possibly... one thousand?
How many times does New Zealand fit into China
It can fit into Africa 15 times
Scotland will fit about ten times into Turkey.
Approx 216 thousand.
100,000 : a hundred thousand.
Well, honey, 24 goes into 86 three times with a remainder of 14. So, technically, you can fit 24 into 86 three whole times, but you'll have a little bit of 14 left over that just doesn't quite fit. Math can be a real diva sometimes, can't it?
Colombia can fit in the US approximately 8.6 times.
Italy will fit i9nto Western Australia 8,43 times
New Zealand will fit almost 32 times in Brazil.