30.333333333333333 times.
91 times - with a remainder of 1
11 times with a remainder of 3
19 for example 91/36 = 2 19/36
3 with remainder 7.
5 with remainder 3.
Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. If we divide 91 by 16, we find that it goes in 5 times with a remainder of 11. Remember, math is just like painting - sometimes you need to step back, take your time, and appreciate the process.
3 with remainder 19.
22.75 times. (22 times with a remainder of 3)
There are: 91/3 = 30 with a remainder of 1
91 / 4 = 22 remainder 3 or 22.75 Long division method: .... 2 2 R 3 .. ------- 4 ) 9 1 .. - 8 .. ------- .... 1 1 .. - .. 8 .. ------- ....... 3