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Q: How many times do adult breath per hour?
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How many times do you breath in a day?

about 1000 times a day

How many times per minute do you breathe for an adult when performing rescue breathing?

how many seconds for rescue breath during cpr on aadult

How many times can an adult heart beat in one hour?

it beats around 70 times a minuter

Every how many seconds do we give breaths to a adult?

1 breath every 5 seconds for an adult.

When giving rescue breath to an adult you should give breath over a period of how many seconds?

2 seconds

When giving a rescue breath to an adult you should give the breath over a period of how many seconds?

Give breath over a period of 1 second.

How many times do you breath out in 1 minute?

20 times

How long can a snake its breath underwater?

Sea snakes can hold their breath for up to an hour, and not many other snakes swim.

How many times does a bala shark breath in a minute?

A bala shark typically breathes around 10-15 times per minute. This allows them to take in oxygen through their gills for respiration.

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