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Q: How many times do crows nest per year?
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How many times does a crocodile hatch eggs in a year?

Crocodilians nest once a year.

Did crows nest oil company merge with another company?

I have been in contact with some very nice people at the BC Archives located in Victoria, BC, Canada. I was actually looking for information on Crows Nest Oils Limited but in speaking with the lady at the Archives the name Crows Nest Oil Co. was discussed. She indicated that the Company had been dissolved in 1933. It may or may not have been reorganized as Crows Nest Oils LTD., for which I have a stock certificate dated that same year. If that is the case one should know that the LTD version was dissolved in 1948. To get any further information it will be necessary to contact Canadian stock market archives in Toronto. The number for the BC Archives if you are interested is 250-387-1952. Good luck, Eric

How often does a mourning dove have a brood?

The mourning dove can nest two, even three times a year. One of the few species that will nest any time of year.

When can you hunt crows?

There is no closed season for crows you are allowed to hunt any time of year

Do sparrows use the same nest year after year?

No they build a new nest for each brood. However they may use the same nest site year after year.

How many babys do barn swallows have each year?

About 4 per nest.

How many times will a Canada goose lay eggs if her nest is attacked by a predator and the eggs are destroyed?

If a Canadian goose lays eggs that are destroyed, they usually re-nest near the initial nesting site. Since they can only raise one clutch per year, they do not lay eggs again that year after they have a successful hatching.

Do bald eagles nest in the same nest every nest?

Bald eagles will return to the old nest, add new material, year after year, until the nest falls from its own weight. They then will construct a new one.

How many eggs do peahens lay in an year if you continue to remove them from their nest?

Around 10000

How many robin's eggs in a nest?

The American Robin can have between 3-5 blue-green eggs in a well-made nest. Since they have 2 broods a season, it can be a total of 6-20 eggs per year, depending on how many times a pair breeds.

Do hawks nest in last years nest?

hawk nest is not in last year cause it so dirty :(