Infinitely many.
Unless you consider the Planck time as the smallest, indivisible unit of time so that time is not a continuous variable.
All 3 hands overlap 24 times a day.
24 times
22 times
Overlap happens once 12/11 hour. So 24÷12/11=22 Then overlap occurs 22 or 21 times a day.
Twenty two each.
They overlap 11 times.
All 3 hands overlap 24 times a day.
24 times
22 times.
22 times
22 times
Overlap happens once 12/11 hour. So 24÷12/11=22 Then overlap occurs 22 or 21 times a day.
Twenty two each.
23 times in all.Note that from 11:00 to 11:59 (am or pm) the hands can never overlap. Thus from 10am to 11:59am, the hands will overlap just once at around 10:54am. The hands will overlap again at exactly 12:00pm (noon). And from 12:01pm to 12:am (midnight) the hands will overlap another 11 times.The following times are the approximate overlapping times.10:54am12:00pm (noon)1:06pm2:11pm3:16pm4:21pm5:27pm6:32pm7:38pm8:43pm9:49pm10:54pm12:00am (midnight).
Clocks have 0, 2 or 3 hands: 0 (digital clocks), 2 (hour and minute), 3 (hour, minute and second).
None. I don't click the clock. The clock clicks as the hands go around the dial or the old fashioned numbered clock flips the numbers.
the hands of a clock are straight 1)when they overlap & face the same direction & 2)when the overlap & face opposite directions this hapns evry 65 min(approx)for each case =>in 1 day 24 hrs=> 24x60 min therefore each case hapns (24x60)/65 times each day................= 22(approx) therefore total # of times = 22+ 22=44