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An infinite number of times.

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Q: How many times do the clock hands form an obtuse angle?
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Related questions

How many times in a day is the angle between the minute and hour hands of a clock equal to an angle?

360 times

How many times clock's hands found perpendicular angle a day?


How many times are the hands of a clock at right angle in a day?

It's not 16 times! The answer is 44 times!

What time on a clock form an o btuse angle?

The hands on a clock must be greater than 90 degrees to be obtuse, so you find times where the time is >90 degrees.Examples are: 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00.

How many times the hands of a clock make an angle less than 180?


When is two times tht the hands of a clock forms a right angle?

At nine o'clock and three o'clock

How many times in a day is the angle between the minute and hour hands of a clock equal to an angle θ where 0 θ 180?


How many times do the clock hands form a 90 degree angle in one day?

44 times in 24 hours.(Considering the hour- and minute-hands only.)

How many times hands of clock form right angle in half day?

in a half day it occur or happens 22 times

How many times does the clock form right angle if the time is 325-600?


How many times do the clock hands form a 90 degree angle in 12 hour duration?

4 Hope this helps

How many times in a day angle between the minute and hour hands of a clock equal to an angle theta where 0theta180 degree?

44. 22 in each 12 hour cyccle.