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Q: How many times do they need to eat?
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How many times a day you need to eat to get fat?

It doesn't matter really many times a day you eat, it does matter how much and what you eat. To gain weight you need to eat above you RDA in calories!

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How many times a day do chicks need to eat?

it depends on the chick

How many times does a child need to eat in a day?

I think that they should eat 3 time a day but, on if they want to eat or not

What do we need to eat?

You need to eat at least three times a day.

How many times a day do you need to eat?

It is not so important as to how many times you eat in a day so much as what you eat and how much. Your caloric intake each day should match what you need to maintain a healthy wt. while doing things which burn calories such as daily activities and exercises.

What did the helpless poor in Tudor times get to eat?

I am not sure what they eat and I need the answer!!!!!1

How many times a day do snails eat?

As many times as itneeds to.

What does a robot need to eat?

it needs to eat eat copper and metal or maybe batterys at times to get energy

How many times a day do you eat in jail?

as many times as u showa

How many times a day do crabs eat?

Most crabs eat once or twice a week, depending on the size. A much larger crab would need to eat much more often, however.

How many times does a marten eat?

Um 6 times