26 can go into 115 four times with a remainder of 11.
26 will go into 990 thirty-eight times evenly.
how many times does 2 go into 16
Exactly 26 times
It can go 470/16 = 29.375 times
To determine how many times 16 can go into 420, you would perform the division 420 ÷ 16. The quotient is 26 with a remainder of 4. This means that 16 can go into 420 a total of 26 times with a remainder of 4.
1 with remainder 10.
16 whole times plus 2/3 of one more time
To determine how many times 16 can go into 117, we divide 117 by 16. The quotient is the whole number of times 16 can be divided into 117 without leaving a remainder. In this case, 16 goes into 117 7 times with a remainder of 5. So, 16 can go into 117 exactly 7 times.
26 times
26 can go into 115 four times with a remainder of 11.
26 will go into 990 thirty-eight times evenly.
2 goes into 32 ... 16 times
how many times does 2 go into 16
Exactly 26 times
Oh, dude, let's break out the math skills for this one. So, 1 can go into 16 sixteen times. Yeah, it's pretty straightforward math, like dividing 16 by 1 equals 16. Mind-blowing stuff, right?