30 times
one time.
Well, honey, you can fit 21 into 57 two times with a remainder of 15. So, technically, 21 goes into 57 two times, but you're left with a little extra that just can't be divided evenly. Math can be a real stickler like that.
To determine how many times 21 goes into 90, we need to perform integer division. When we divide 90 by 21, the result is 4 with a remainder of 6. Therefore, 21 goes into 90 four times evenly, with no remainder.
112 / 21 = 16/3, or 5 and 1/3 times.
5 times with a remainder of 7
30 times
112-21 = 91
just over 21 and 1/2 times
2352 is the answer to 112 x 21.
one time.