Well honey, if you divide 231 by 35, you get 6 with a remainder of 21. So, technically, 35 goes into 231 about 6 times. But don't forget about that pesky little 21 leftover, it's like the annoying third wheel that just won't go away.
35 times
No. 35 is not evenly divisible by 21.
35/43 = 0.814.
98 times.
35 times.
7, remainder 21
Well honey, if you divide 231 by 35, you get 6 with a remainder of 21. So, technically, 35 goes into 231 about 6 times. But don't forget about that pesky little 21 leftover, it's like the annoying third wheel that just won't go away.
35 times
35 times.
6 times
1050 / 35 = 30 (times)
35 times
It would be 6 think about it
the answer is 21 times 42 which equals 882
210/6 = 35 times