48 goes into 429 8 times with remainder 45.
429 ÷ 64 = 6 with remainder 45 or 6.703125 times.
If you write on a calculator 429 divided by 3 you will get the answer as 143
13 times with a remainder of 13
5 with remainder 39.
48 goes into 429 8 times with remainder 45.
429 ÷ 64 = 6 with remainder 45 or 6.703125 times.
If you write on a calculator 429 divided by 3 you will get the answer as 143
13 times with a remainder of 13
5 with remainder 39.
18 R 15
The factor pairs of 429 (all odd numbers) are (429,1)(143,3)(39,11)(33,13)
It would be 6 think about it
the answer is 21 times 42 which equals 882
21 times with a remainder of 7
It goes: 1008/21 = 48 times
21 times, remainder1