2 goes into 30 fifteen times. 2 goes into 54 twenty-seven times.
To determine how many times 27 can go into 60, we need to perform division. When we divide 60 by 27, we get 2 with a remainder of 6. This means that 27 can go into 60 a total of 2 times, with a remainder of 6.
54 can go into 54 once, with remainder 4.
18.03 times.... 974/54 = 18.037...
27 times
2 goes into 54 27 times 54 ÷ 2 = 27
2 goes into 30 fifteen times. 2 goes into 54 twenty-seven times.
To determine how many times 27 can go into 60, we need to perform division. When we divide 60 by 27, we get 2 with a remainder of 6. This means that 27 can go into 60 a total of 2 times, with a remainder of 6.
54 can go into 54 once, with remainder 4.
27, 54, 81, 108 would be going over so 3 times
54 goes into 8100 150 times.
18.03 times.... 974/54 = 18.037...