To determine how many times 2 goes into 513, you need to perform long division. The first step is to divide 2 into the first digit of 513, which is 5. 2 goes into 5 two times without exceeding it. Write down 2 as the first digit of the quotient. Subtract 4 (2 * 2) from 5, which equals 1. Bring down the next digit, 1, to form 11. 2 goes into 11 five times without exceeding it. Write down 5 as the next digit of the quotient. Subtract 10 (2 * 5) from 11, which equals 1. Bring down the next digit, 3, to form 13. 2 goes into 13 six times without exceeding it. Write down 6 as the final digit of the quotient. Subtract 12 (2 * 6) from 13, which equals 1. Since there are no more digits to bring down, the final answer is 256 with a remainder of 1.
513/2= 256.5
2 x 513 = 1026
2 will go into 84 a total of 42 times.
77.50 times
how many times does 2 go into 16
512 / 2 = 256Therefore, 2 can go into five hundred twelve 256 times
513, as a fraction, is 513/1 or 1026/2 etc.
2 can go in to 112 56 times
how many times does 2 go into 127
56 can be divided by 2 three times.
84 times.
14 times.