19.875 times.
42 can go into 828 19 times, but there is a remainder.
159 times with a remainder of 2 or 159.5 times
Exactly 42 times.
160 / 4 = 40 156 / 4 = 39 159 =156 + 3 Answer: 39 times with 3 remaining
19.875 times.
It goes: 159/12 = 13 times with a remainder of 3 or as 13.25
Exactly seven times
42 can go into 828 19 times, but there is a remainder.
159 times with a remainder of 2 or 159.5 times
477 / 3 = 159
4.3 times or 4 with remainder 11.
The number of times 20 goes into 42 can be calculated by dividing 42 by 20. The quotient of this division is 2, with a remainder of 2. Therefore, 20 goes into 42 two times, with a remainder of 2.
Exactly 42 times.
160 / 4 = 40 156 / 4 = 39 159 =156 + 3 Answer: 39 times with 3 remaining
To determine how many times 42 goes into 92, we divide 92 by 42. The quotient is 2 with a remainder of 8. Therefore, 42 goes into 92 two times with a remainder of 8.
Well, honey, 3 goes into 159 a total of 53 times. Simple division, darling. Math doesn't have to be a mystery, just do the dang division and you'll have your answer.