Well, darling, 4 goes into 836 a total of 209 times. It's simple division, nothing to lose sleep over. Just divide 836 by 4 and you'll get your answer.
78 times with a remainder of 4
4 times with a remainder of 4
4 will go into 84 21 times
4 times.
Exactly 206 times
It goes: 845/4 = 206 with a remainder of 1
Well, darling, 4 goes into 836 a total of 209 times. It's simple division, nothing to lose sleep over. Just divide 836 by 4 and you'll get your answer.
How many times does 5 go into 20 ?
78 times with a remainder of 4
4 times
Exactly 4 times
How many times dose 20 go into 150
how many times can 4 go into 27
4 can go into 10 two and a half times or 2.5