Well, honey, 124 times 56 equals 6944. It's simple math, not rocket science. So, there you have it. Now go impress someone with your newfound knowledge.
Well, honey, if you divide 124 by 14, you get 8.857142857142857... But since we can't have a fraction of a time, 14 can go into 124 a total of 8 times with a remainder of 12. Math can be a real pain in the behind sometimes, but that's the cold, hard truth.
7.75 times
124 ÷ 4 = 31
you need half of the 124 - therefore 62 times
124 ÷ 13 = 9 with remainder 7 or 9.5385 times.
15.5solve: 8/124-80-40- -4____________0
Exactly 56 times