100 divided by 19 = 100/19 = 5.26 or (5 remainder 5) so, 5 19s will fit into 100.
Exactly 128 times
2 can fit into 77, 38 times with a remainder of 1.
45 257.1429 times.
There are 5000 metres in 5 kilometres. 400 metres will fit into 5 kilometres a total of 5000/400 = 12.5 times.
The land area of Texas is approximately 268,596 square miles, while the land area of Connecticut is about 4,842 square miles. To determine how many times Connecticut could fit into Texas, you would divide the land area of Texas by the land area of Connecticut. This calculation results in approximately 55.5, meaning you could fit about 55.5 states of Connecticut into the state of Texas.
100 divided by 19 = 100/19 = 5.26 or (5 remainder 5) so, 5 19s will fit into 100.
Peru is 5 times bigger than the UK.The UK fits into Peru 5 times.
5 goes into 100 20 times
17 times
100 times
Oh, dude, let's break this down. The value of the 5 in 5000 is 1000 times greater than the value of the 5 in 50. I mean, we're talking about thousands here, it's like comparing a tiny ant to a giant elephant. So yeah, it's a pretty big difference, but hey, numbers, am I right?
5 can fit into 25 because 5x5=25
It goes 120/5 = 24 times
5 times
5 times
Exactly 128 times