Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! If we take 261 and divide it by 7, we find that 7 goes into 261 about 37 times. Just imagine each division as a little tree in a beautiful forest of numbers, creating a lovely pattern of multiplication and division. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little accidents waiting to be solved.
how many times can 364 go into 3057
it goes into 7 times
9 times.
how many times can 7 go into 49? easy...
520 can go into 7 0 times.
182 / 7 = 26So 7 will go into 182 26 times.
7 times with a remainder of 7
7 goes into 28 4 times
91 divided by 13 = 7 13 can go into 91 7 times