875 ÷ 25 = 35
875 / 5 = 175
36.45833333... times
Five times
Well, honey, if you divide 875 by 125, you'll get 7. So, 125 can go into 875 a grand total of 7 times. Math doesn't have to be complicated, just do the division and you're good to go!
175 x 5 = 875
Well, honey, 5 goes into 875 a whopping 175 times. It's like slicing a cake into 175 perfectly equal slices, but instead of cake, it's math. Enjoy your newfound knowledge, darling!
6 goes into 875 145 times with a remainder of 5.
8 goes into 135 , 16 time and .875 remainder
32, with 11 left over