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Q: How many times does a child need to hear something to comprehend what you are saying?
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Is saying times the same as saying percent?

No. In math, when you say times (e.g. six times seven) you are multiplying the two. A percent is a fraction out of one hundred. Seven percent of something means seven hundredths.

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Dividing is just another way of saying how many times does something add to itself to give you something else. When you divide by zero you are saying how many times can you add nothing to get something. The answer is even if you added an infinite nothings together you would still never get something. So the rule is dividing by zero is undefined in that you can't do it.

What is a Tudor?

the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times

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It is two separate words -> a lot. It is usually a short way of saying "a lot of times", or "a lot of (something)"

What is a Tudor spit?

the spit is something that the tudors used to cook there food the spit was usually given to a tudor child you really wouldn't want to be a child in tudor times

Are teachers allowed to growl at kids after three thirty?

This depends if the children have been put in detention for something misbehavioural, if not then no. Out of school times a child's parent are responsible for their child.

What is triple emphasis?

If you repeat something three times (for example: I know! I know! I know!), you emphasize it more rather than just saying 'I know!'

What does it mean when your child dreams of spiders in his bed 2-3 times a week?

Aside from saying that plenty of children have dreams about scary things, these spiders in the bed might represent problems your child is having that he does not know how to handle. The anxiety comes out in his dreams. ... A completely different possibility might be that there is something in the child's pajamas or bed linens that is irritating his skin enough to trigger dreams of little itchy spiders. It could be a new plush toy, or something as obscure as laundry soap or fabric softener, or it could be related (sorry!) to the current bedbug problem that is plaguing the U.S.

How does child abuse affect a child's mind?

Child abuse affects a way the child thinks and acts. If a child was abused, for example hit multiple times, every time someone raises a hand(for a high five or something) they might twitch or something. Their ideas, thoughts, and dreams might be affected. Bad dreams, terrible thoughts, and they might think abuse is okay and abuse other people.

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persistence is to keep on going despite anything that might stand in your way and repetition is like a child saying mom mom mom like 20 times

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Beauty for ashes is talking about what God does for us. Ashes in the bible times was something that the people would use to symbolize mourning and sadness. God is saying that he wants to take this a way and give us something beautiful , something joyful.

What are polite way ask something?

Start it off by saying Excuse me Ma'am or Sir, and then ask your question and think about what you are actually saying before you say it. It might help to re-word it a couple times before it actually comes out of you mouth -22