60 times as many.
956 in 4 mins. = 3.983333333 per second.
Once per Minute -or- 60 times per hour 60x24 1440 Times a day (Also how many minutes that are in a day)
60 mph = 88 feet per second 50 mph = 50/60 times 88 = 73.33 feet per second
That may depend on how active or stressed you are, but at rest, the normal heartbeat is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.
60 or under
1000 times per second
its 128 times per second
The average heartbeat per day is 100,000.
32 times per second
20 times per second
20 times per second
It beats about 1111 times a second!
its 128 times per second
its 128 times per second
Between 15 and 20 times.