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Q: How many times does a heartbeat per second?
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Related questions

How many times does the heartbeat per minute?

That may depend on how active or stressed you are, but at rest, the normal heartbeat is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

What is the relaxed heartbeat per second?

60 or under

How many times can a tiny midge Insect beat their wings per second?

1000 times per second

How many times does a horsefly beat it wings per second?

its 128 times per second

How many times would a heart beat a day?

The average heartbeat per day is 100,000.

How many times does a cat purr in a second?

32 times per second

How many times a second can a woodpeaker peak?

20 times per second

How many times does a robin beat its wings per second?

20 times per second

How many times does a fly beat per second?

It beats about 1111 times a second!

How many times does a horsefly beat its wings a second?

its 128 times per second

How many times does a horsefly beat How many times does a?

its 128 times per second

How many times does a wood peckers in a second?

Between 15 and 20 times.