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Until it's rider has their teeth-work finished!

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Q: How many times does a horse have to go to the dentist?
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How many times faster is a car than a horse?

23.436294 mph depending on the type of horse and train!

How would one become a dentist?

There are many ways one can become a dentist. One can become a dentist by graduating from a great doctoral program specific to the field of dentistry.

Do 6th grade have to go to the dentist?

um everyone has to go to the dentist.

I have cavitiesfor four years and i didn't go to the dentist?

go to the dentist!

How do you get out a tooth?

By going to the dentist for an extraction.

How do you change the word dentist into an adjective?

you can by telling a dentist that you have to go to the toilet during a dentist apointment.

Is there site for horse care?

there are many sites but i go to . ihas many many things you can purchase for you and your horse and tells you how to clea saddles,groom a horse,bathe horse.and many other things. i always go to

If you go to the dentist with out your sister what do you do?

I will go alone.

When you go into canter how come your horse bucks?

There could be many reasons for your horse bucking. I would make sure it is not pain related, possibly a pinching saddle or a a sore back. Maybe get a chiropractor out. Or dentist or farrier if that isn't up to date. If you are SURE that it isn't pain related then it may just be a schooling issue. If your horse is misbehaving then it may need to be growled at or given a smack with the whip.

How did the prison dentist help the inmate to go straight?

The dentist helped the inmate go straight by removing the concavity.

Why there are no special dentist for the animals?

There are no spacific dentist for animals because they go to vets.

How do you find pictures of yellow puffle?

Go to the Lodge attic and click on the rocking horse 3000 times. Then wait 10 minutes and hit the rocking horse 600 times. Then go to the Do Jo and and click on the bonsai 1000 and it will they will appear.